Investigating the global dimension of development education in compulsory secondary education and university higher education in Galicia (2017-2018)
PI: Araceli Serantes Pazos
Other members of the research team: Renée DePalma, Montserrat Montserrat Muriano Rodríguez, Dolores Cotelo Guerra, José Luis Iglesias Salvado, Patricia Digón Regueiro, Rosa María Méndez García, María Cristina Pérez Crego, Ánxela Bugallo Rodríguez, Iria Sobrino Freire, María Cristina Naya Riveiro , Patricia Carballal Miñán, Estefanía Mosquera Castro, María José Caride Delgado, Ana M. Lampón Gude, María del Camino Pereiro González, María Beatriz Páramo Iglesias and Verónica Dopico Cancela
Collaborating entity: Galician International Solidarity, The Pedagogy, History and Society Research Group at the University of A Coruña
Funding body: Galician Cooperation (General Directorate of Foreign Relations and the European Union of the Xunta de Galicia)
Amount of financing: 44,915.00 euros

This project focused on initial teacher training: we introduced GCE into our own university subjects, with the support of NGOs Galician International Solidarity and AGARESO. Using various strategies, and drawing on communication resources offered by new technologies, we sought to cast students as protagonists of their own learning.
Participatory action research, carried out with students of degree programs in Early Childhood Education, Primary Education and Social Education, was used to include CGE through an integrated project in the Faculty of Education at the UDC. Learning materials and processes were designed and carried out in various specific subjects including General Teaching Strategies, Language Methods, Mathematics Methods, Experimental Science Methods, ICT, Values Education, and Environmental Education. The students were able to demonstrate the impact on their learning through a "GCE Fair" held in May, in which they participated alongside activity stations organized by NGOs such as Galician International Solidarity, AGARESO, Architecture without Borders and the UDCs Office of Cooperation and Volunteering.
Evidence was collected, performances were recorded and evaluations were conducted by the participating students as well as those who attended the fair - all supplemented and compared with an external evaluation of the project.
This experience is described and analyzed in a book detailing our work in Development and Global Citizenship Education, edited by Renée DePalma and published in Spanish by Graó.
The Galician Award for Development and Global Citizenship Education was created as part of this project, with the first edition published in 2020.
Araceli Serantes-Pazos (2017). Educación Ambiental e Educación para a Cidadanía Global: encontro de movementos educativos? Revista de estudios e investigación en Psicología y Educación. Vol. Extr., No. 04, pp. 194-197. DOI: