Ecigal offers training activities in different formats (courses, seminars, MOOCs, etc.), on the topic of Education for Global Citizenship and other critical and transformative pedagogies.
Global Citizenship Education in schools
This course aims to show what it means to incorporate a global citizenship education approach into schools and the curriculum. We take into account that the national Spanish education law (LOMLOE -2020) provides for an education committed to children's rights, gender equality and equal opportunities, sustainable development and global citizenship. This course narrates experiences carried out in the stages of early childhood education, primary education and secondary education, offering ideas for how these issues can be integrated into school projects and in all areas of the curriculum.
It is now available at UdC Abierta, UDC's MOOC platform:
I International Conference on the exchange of knowledge in Development Cooperation: strategies to address gender violence against women for a full life.
27 of Abril, 2023. School of Education, University of A Coruña