Rosa María Méndez García
I am an instructor in the area of Teaching and School Organization at the University of A Coruña. My main line of research focuses on the curriculum and the teaching-learning process, paying special attention to active classroom methodologies and learning assessment, and focusing especially on university teaching. As a methodological approach I have experience in the use of mixed methods, but my career has focused more on the qualitative perspective, with particular emphasis on PAR. In recent years my research objectives have been aimed at studying the relevance of education for development and global citizenship in the curricula of both the university and non-university education system, and to advocate for the presence of this approach in public education policies.
About me
I received my undergraduate degree in Psychopedagogy (1997), with an Extraordinary Degree Award, and a PhD from the University of Santiago de Compostela (2007) with a doctoral thesis entitled "Attitudes of students towards the University as an indicator of quality," obtaining the Extraordinary Doctorate Award.
I have been a university instructor in the Area of Teaching and School Organization since 2004, with employment experience in three universities: University of Murcia, University of Santiago de Compostela and University of Coruña, where I have been working since 2009.
My research career began in 1998 with the completion of my undergraduate project report and has always been linked to the area of teaching and school organization. As a peculiar feature of my scientific experience, it should be noted that I joined research groups at three different universities: the University of Santiago de Compostela (from 1998 to the present), the University of Murcia (from 2004 to 2013) and the University of A Coruña from 2009 to the present).
As a member of these research groups, I have participated in numerous projects on university teaching, tutoring, special education, school scheduling, good teaching practices, social exclusion, education for development and global citizenship, and ICT resources for teaching. All of these projects aimed at contributing to the improvement of the teaching-learning process from different perspectives of analysis, and addressing the different levels of the educational system (infant, primary, secondary, vocational training and university). Similarly, although my predominant research approach has focused on the student as the primary source of information, I also had the opportunity to study the expertise of practicing and retired instructors who are recognized for their good practice.
I have participated in national and international conferences on university teaching and teaching innovation, in some cases collaborating in their organization. I am a contributor to journals such as Innoeduca and Educatio S.XXI and a member of the advisory board of the magazine Aula de Infantil, published by Graó.
I have developed a line of research on the curriculum and the teaching-learning process, paying special attention to active classroom methodologies and learning assessment, and focusing especially on university teaching. As a methodological approach I have experience in the use of mixed methods, but my career has focused more on the qualitative perspective, with particular emphasis on PAR.
At present, my research objectives continue to be to deepen the study of the teaching-learning process through the use of technological resources and incorporating of a Global Citizenship Education approach into the curriculum.
Faculty of Education
University of A Coruña
Elviña Campus 15071. A Coruña
981 167000 ext. 4620