The NGDO Galician International Solidarity and the ECIGAL Research Group of the Faculty of Education, University of A Coruña, have developed this tool to get to know each other, as a starting point for weaving a network of educational institutions and social entities working in GCE and establishing lines of collaboration and shared learning.
The map geolocates experiences organized in four layers (which can be turned on or off). The “experiences” icon allows us to identify the main theme of the initiative and whether it is linked to one or more curricular disciplines or year levels. By clicking on each of the experiences, you can access more information about it.
An interesting feature of the application is that it allows us to filter the experiences according to our interests.
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Single level

Multiple levels
Social entity

Experience related to the curricum (disciplinary or interdisciplinary)
The concept of Global Citizenship Education (ECG) is under constant review because it is a dynamic concept, which is adapting to complex and changing realities. For Edgar Morin (2010) ECG is an ethical strategy of eco-social transformation, through learning that is collaborative and committed to building just and supportive societies. It starts from complex thinking as a model of learning, and incorporates uncertainty, eco-dependence and co-responsibility as characteristics of a process that moves towards understanding and the intellectual and moral solidarity of humanity.
Discover some of the Global Citizenship Education experiences that are collected on the Cénit map.
Join the map
Are you interested in learning about GCE work in educational institutions? Have you carried out a Global Citizenship Education project, initiative or activity (as a teacher or social entity) in educational contexts?
Fill out the form and tell us about your experience or find out how to incorporate it onto the map:
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Are you interested in learning about the GCE work being done in schools and universities?
If you want to know more about this experience, write to us !