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Service-Learning in Prison: collaborating with Radio LibreMente

Radio Libremente is a means of expression and social communication through which prisoners in the Monterroso Penitentiary Center share their opinions and experiences, as well as a space that is open to broader community participation.

Using Service Learning methodology, from ECIGAL and the UDC's Office of Cooperation, we wanted to encourage the participation of almost 70 students from university courses. Students from courses in Participatory Action Research, Community Action and Management of Social Organizations (Master of Social Policies and Socio-Community Intervention) engaged with prisioners in debates about hate speech; those from Free Time and Leisure within Penitentiary Institutions (from the Social Education degree program) discussed issues relating to this subject; and others taking a course on Education and Social media (Social Education degree program) acted as external reporters, developing podcasts that could be integrated into the programs of Radio Libremente.

With this activity, we contributed to the work of promoting critical and transformative methodologies that ECIGAL is committed to, in a valuable learning experience for both students and prisoners.

Pending authorization from the General Secretariat of Penitentiary Institutions, we expect to be able to broadcast the programs outside the prison walls in the near future.

Radio LibreMente is promoted by the association Aliad Ultreia, the free software association Melisa, the SEPA-interea Group and ECIGAL, within the Sociocultural Development of the Monterroso Penitentiary Center, financed by Obra Social La Caixa.


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