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The Faculty of Education of UDC receives the Galician Education Award for Global Citizenship thanks to an experience promoted by ECIGAL

The Faculty of Educational Sciences of the UDC was awarded in the category of university teachers of the III edition of the Galician Prize for Education for Development and Global Citizenship, promoted by the Galician Coordinator of ONGD for Development.

The award-winning initiative "Body mapping: from hate speech to shared leisure" was developed in the 22/23 academic year, in the subjects of Socio-educational action with minorities and vulnerable groups and Resources and intervention strategies in free time in 3rd year. Degree in Social Education.Coordinated by teachers Laura Cruz and María Barba from the Ecigal group, 72 students, 14 social entities and more than 130 people in vulnerable situations participated in the experience.

In this service-learning experience, which sought to respond to a request from the Campa Network for peace and the right to refuge, the students collected and analyzed hate speeches, recording the impacts they produce on their own bodies and those of other people. vulnerable.Using knowledge from the Global South, they built a collective history through body maps that they later displayed in a public exhibition to raise public awareness.Furthermore, to subvert these hate narratives, they created spaces for coexistence through leisure with the same entities and groups;pleasant experiences with which to break with imposed social fragmentations.

On this website, in the Transfer section, you can access a sample of the body maps prepared by the students and the people participating in the collaborating entities.The project was also included in Cénit's map of global citizenship education experiences along with other reference examples in the promotion of global social justice through education.

The Agustín Magán Room of the Santa Marta Sociocultural Center in Compostela hosted the award ceremony on Wednesday, June 19 at 11:00 a.m.

You can see a summary video at:


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