As part of the 8th Conference on Education for Global Citizenship, organised by the ECIGAL Group of the UDC and Solidaridade Internacional, we will provide a training workshop, aimed at teachers and professionals from organisations, on strategies for linking global citizenship education to the curriculum. It will be led by a representative of the NGDO Madre Coraje, Javier Saborido, head of education projects at its Jerez de la Frontera site.

And why have we chosen Madre Coraje for our training?
The NGO Madre Coraje seems to us to be the best option to provide this training because of its extensive research and teacher training in the harmonisation of GCE with the curriculum. Thus, in 2011 they initiated a four-year research project with a group of specialists from the "Forum for another school" of the University of Seville. This process was fundamental for understanding the specific language of the school and analysing the official curriculum, identifying competencies, content and indicators related to GCDE. In 2015, they continued this line of work through the "Cycles for the advancement of teaching practice with a focus on GCE", financed by the AECI, with which they trained teachers to incorporate GCE into educational activity and also accompanied them in the design and implementation of educational proposals for centres and classrooms. In addition, their work on the creation of an "Attitude Change Evaluation Tool" is of interest, especially since the evaluation of learning is often a shortcoming in GCE projects developed in schools.
You can consult their work and proposals for educational centres on their website: